The Lord is Good. He gives us healing Bible verses to create miracle prayer.
The Lord is Good. He gives us healing Bible verses to create miracle prayer.
Soaking in the Word of God brings deliverance and is a form of spiritual warfare.
The Prayers for the Precious is a series of spiritual warfare prayers. Deliverance from all of life's trials.
The Prophetic Intercessors Blessings are set in a way that will allow you, (the reader), to find a topical title of specific interest to you and by clicking on it be taken to a page that you may copy to your computer or print for your immediate use as a prayer for you and your household. An audio button is provided for either listening to the blessing or downloading and copying.
Spiritual Warfare, Deliverance and
Other prayers are available such as Communion prayer, Giving, Blessing for our children etc.
Need a Miracle? Deliverance: need deliverance from attacks on the mind, body, emotions, soul and spirit.
DELIVERANCE: The “I Am” series is a form of Deliverance.
THE WORD OF GOD, INSPIRED BY JESUS CHRIST, COMPILED BY DIANNA CUDWORTH. The “I Am” series is a compilation of declarations and corresponding scripture that identifies the nature of the believer according to the Word of God. It is intended to help the believer receive heart knowledge of who they are in Christ according to the Word of God and cast off the shackles of what the world thinks or says about them. The audio series is designed to help the believer memorize the declarations and the Word of God concerning who they truly are. It is our prayer that this series will help you realize your true identity.
2019 Blessing: A prophetic scripture based blessing for the children of God.
We have been sowing for decades. The harvest is ripe and it is time to call in the harvest. I have prepared a prayer to call in the harvest where we have sowed seed. This is the year to call the souls of the world tp come alive and join us in the Kingdom of God. Click below for a sample prayer. You know where you have sown so call in the harvest!
Blessing of the Lord come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
Search us out in the city
Hunt us down in the country
Flood our land with Blessing
Bless our children and all our grandchildren too
Bless our pets and all our animals
Bless our land and all our plants
Bless us and all that we have
Blessing of the Lord Come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
Surround us, Bless us on every side
Bless us coming in and Bless us going out
Bless us here and Bless us there and Bless us everywhere
Bless us in the morning and Bless us in the evening
Bless us all day long
Bless us as we slumber and Bless us when we wake
Bless us night and day
Bless us everywhere all the time
Blessing of the Lord Come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
Drive out our enemies before us
Send your angels to encamp around us
To go before us, behind us,
On every side, Up and down and all around.
To build a hedge around us
Surround us and guard us
And keep us in all our ways.
Blessing of the Lord Come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
Daddy God, command Your blessing
On our store houses, bank accounts and all that we own
Bless our work and all that we put our hands too
Send to us prosperity in all our ways
Give us plenty of goods and lots of toys too
Bless our years with abundant harvest
Bless our tithe and our sowing too
Give to us the gift of giving and a generous spirit
Cause we want to be just like our Daddy
Daddy God, make us a blessing and Bless us through and through.
Blessing of the Lord come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
Daddy God, give to us Your Holy Spirit
And make us Your holy people
Rooted and grounded in love.
Established and walking in Christ
Abiding in the love of God and walking in faith,
Filled with the fullness of God
Changing the atmosphere everywhere we go
With the presence of Daddy God in us
Trusting the Lord our God In all our ways
Blessing of the Lord come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
Daddy God, Give to us abundant life,
Health and prosperity in all our ways
Renew our minds, with wisdom, knowledge and understanding too!
Bless us on the inside and Bless us on the outside
We desire truth in the inward parts.
In the hidden part make us to know wisdom
Bless our heart and Bless our inward parts
Restore our souls and quicken our bodies
And make us vibrantly alive
Give to us length of days; Renew our youth like the Eagle
And as our days are let our strength be too
Bless our spirit; Bless our soul; And bless our bodies too
Bless us inside out!
Blessing of the Lord come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
Overcome our souls with love and peace
Strengthen us with joy
Let patience do its perfect work in us
Give us ears to hear what the Spirit says
Enlarge our faith and increase our measure
Clothe us in goodness and kindness
Give to us a pure heart, a quiet gentle spirit and self -control too!
Restore to us a faithful steadfast spirit, just like our Daddy’s has
We want to be just like our Daddy God
Yes, Bless us inside out!
Blessing of the Lord Come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
We are children of God; We are children of light
We are children of the day and not the night
Daddy God has adopted us: He has given us His name
We are the Holy people of the Lord
All the peoples of the earth fear us
For we are the children that the Lord has Blessed
Blessing of the Lord Come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
Daddy God, open the heavens and give to us the treasures from above
Let it rain, let it pour; Let Your Spirit soak us through and through.
Rain down, You heavens, from above,
Let the skies pour down righteousness on us
Let justice run down like water
And let the earth open and bring forth salvation to us
Daddy God, Shower us with Your Grace; Cover us with Your Hand
Surround us with Your Favor; Touch us with Your Mercy
Cleanse us with your Word
Fill us with Your Spirit; Anoint us with Your Power
And Crown us with your loving kindness;
We are the children that the Lord has Blessed
Blessing of the Lord come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
We are above and not beneath
We are the head and not the tail
We shall lend to many people but never borrow
For we are the heirs to the Kingdom of God
We are the children that the Lord has Blessed
Blessing of the Lord come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
Our Daddy God lifts us up high above
To sit with Him and be with Him
He puts His Words of Blessing in our mouth
We want to be just like our Daddy
We Bless all Daddy’s children; All our brothers and our sisters
We Bless Daddy’s chosen people; And His holy city too.
We Bless the leaders on the earth; And the Nations all around.
We Bless you in the name of the Lord
The mighty mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord
We Bless you; Just like our Daddy does.
Blessing of the Lord Come
Come and overtake us
All of us, every single one
We are vessels of love
Daddy God has poured out His love into our hearts
Like a river, it flows to you
We love you ; We Bless you
We Bless all the children of the earth
Those that are near and those that are far
We bless you in the name of the Lord!
The mighty mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord
We bless you; Just like our Daddy does
Blessing of the Lord come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
We want to be just like our Daddy
We do what we see our Daddy do
He dwells in us; He speaks through us
His love flows through us
We love you; We Bless you,
Just like our Daddy does
We Bless you in the name of the Lord
The mighty mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord
We Bless you; Just like our Daddy does
Blessing of the Lord come
Come and overtake us
All of us, Every single one
All our blessings come from above
Daddy God, He loads us with blessing day after day
Every good thing comes from Him
He never changes
We awake to righteousness every single morning
He commands the Blessing on us all the time
We are the children that the Lord has blessed
Daddy God said it
We believe it
It is settled; Forever and ever
We are the children that the Lord has blessed
Harvest you come to us in the name of Jesus. We command the harvest of 70 million plus souls in America that Dianna, Gary, Arron and NPMI has sown into the fields and harvest come to us in Jesus name. We command millions of souls in Africa that I and Gary and my son David with NPMI have sown into the fields and harvest come to us, now. We have sown into the ministries of Kenneth Copeland, Rabbi Snyder at Discovering the Jewish Jesus, The Israel Prayer team, Glory of Zion, Dutch Sheets, Myrrh Ministries, Bethel, Hope City and other smaller ministries. We command the billions of souls around the world that together we have sown into the fields, harvest come to us now. We command a full and complete harvest in Israel where we have faithfully sown, harvest come to us now. We deposit the harvest in our heavenly accounts. Angels you are ministering spirits sent to help those who minister to those who are heirs of salvation and to carry out God’s will and fulfil His Word. We send forth the angels into the harvest field to bring in the harvest that belongs to us. We call the prodigal sons to help in the harvest all around the world. We receive the harvest that belongs to us. Praise the LORD, you angels, you mighty ones who carry out his plans, listening for each of his commands. Yes, praise the LORD, you armies of angels who serve him and do his will! Praise the LORD, everything he has created, everything in all his kingdom. Let all that I am praise the LORD (Ps. 103:20-22). Let us glorify his name all across the land. Let all the planet raise up and praise Him. Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; Praise Him in the heights! Praise Him, all His angels; Praise Him, all His hosts! Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all you stars of light! Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, And you waters above the heavens! Let us praise the name of the LORD, let all creation praise the Lord. Praise the LORD from the earth, You great sea creatures and all the depths; Fire and hail, snow and clouds; Stormy wind, fulfilling His word; Mountains and all hills; Fruitful trees and all cedars; Beasts and all cattle; Creeping things and flying fowl; Kings of the earth and all peoples; Princes and all judges of the earth; Both young men and maidens; Old men, women and children. Let us praise the name of the LORD, For His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven. And He has exalted the horn of His people, The praise of all His saints, A people near to Him. Praise the LORD! (Ps. 148:1-14)
Galatians 6:7 (NKJV)
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
We have been faithful to till the ground, sow the seed, water the plants etc. for generations and now it is time to harvest. Harvest takes labor. The wheat does not just appear in the farmers barn. The good news is that spiritual harvest does not rot like a natural harvest would if we did not gather it in. The Harvest is ripe and the time is now to gather the souls of the world into the Kingdom of God. Call in your harvest by faith and prayer! Send angels to gather the harvest. With harvest comes abundant blessing and provision!
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